Gum Saan Journal

The CHSSC has encouraged research and publications on both an academic and general interest level. Published books, some in collaboration with the UCLA Asian American Studies Center, include: “Linking Our Lives: Chinese American Women of Los Angeles”, written by a team of authors (1984); “Sweet Bamboo: A Saga of a Chinese American Family” by Louise Leung Larson (1989); “Origins and Destinations: 41 Essays on Chinese America” (1994) based on our 1992 national conference; “Duty & Honor: A Tribute to Chinese American World War II Veterans of Southern California” (1998); “Bridging the Centuries”, a history of Chinese Americans in Southern California (2002); and “Portraits of Pride” (2004), containing profiles of 38 Chinese Americans of the “Greatest Generation” era. The Gum Saan Journal, published annually, provides articles and research papers in a keepsake-quality format. CHSSC members have written numerous articles for publications, such as the annual souvenir book published by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Our monthly newsletter, News ‘n Notes, has been a reliable source of information about the CHSSC and community activities. Our website at features our monthly program announcements, details on our many projects, information on obtaining our publications, archived copies of our newsletter, and membership information. The website also has links to a Chinese American history resource list, a detailed historical timeline, a Los Angeles Chinatown map, and many other resources. We’ve supported the work of authors in the field by sponsoring book parties. We completed an oral history project in 1979 in which 165 Chinatown community pioneers were interviewed and the original tapes currently reside at the UCLA’s University Research Library. A new oral history project completed in 2008 was made possible in part by a grant from California Council for the Humanities. This project takes a look at life in Los Angeles Chinatown in the 1930s and 1940s. Several former Chinatown residents were interviewed by UCLA student interns and other student volunteers. The project resulted in a video, an exhibition, a website and publication in the Gum Saan Journal Special 2009 edition.

Use our online resources and visit our library in Chinatown to learn more about Chinese Americans in Southern California.

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