
Background image for membership flip box
Click link below to join or renew your annual membership online:


Click on the Membership button on the left. On the membership form, follow the instructions below:

  • Choose the PayPal option to pay on the PayPal website with your debit card, credit card, or with your PayPal account.
  • Choose Offline option if you want to send a check to pay for your annual membership dues.
  • Choose the Credit Card option to pay with your PayPal account, Venmo, debit, or credit card.
Click the link below to download our membership form and mail in your check:
Mail completed form with your check to:

Chinese Historical Society of Southern California
411 Bernard St
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Make sure the check is payable to “Chinese Historical Society of Southern California”. On the memo line of the check, please indicate that the payment is for annual membership to “Chinese Historical Society of Southern California”