Lung Kong Tin Yee Association 龍岡親義公所

       The Lung Kong Tin Yee Association 龍岡親義公所 is one of the larger and older associations of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association. It is often referred to as the Four Families 四 姓 一 家 as it is a conglomerate of four clans: Liu 劉 (also spelled Lew, Lau, Lieu), Guan 關 (also Kwan, Quan, Kuan), Zhang 張 (also Chang, Cheong, Cheung), and Zhao 趙 (also Chew, Chao, Chu, Trieu). Today, there are millions of Chinese and in the Chinese diaspora who bear the four last names, and chapters of the Lung Kong Tin Yee Association, headquartered in Taipei, have sprung up around the world and across the U.S. 

Art of the Four Families originators from Three. Left to right: Liu, Guan, Zhang, Zhao. United States flag on left and Republic of China flag on right
The Four Families originators are from the period of the Three Kingdoms (200s CE). Left to right: Liu, Guan, Zhang, Zhao. Note Republic of China flag on right in the main hall of the Lung Kong Association building. (Photo courtesy of Susan Dickson and Susie Ling)

       The Los Angeles chapter of the Lung Kong Tin Yee Association was founded around 1870 on Ferguson Street. In 1887, a Chinatown fire forced the group to move to Los Angeles Street, where they established a hall next to the Garnier Building around 1889. In 1928, it merged with Mu Tin Association 睦親 (renamed to Ming Yee 名義 Tong), which functioned as a protection and self-defense group in earlier times when Chinese Americans were often under racial attack. Together, they became the Lung Kong Tin Yee Association.

       The construction of the Santa Ana Freeway forced the Lung Kong Tin Yee Association to move out of the Garnier Building. The Association, with the generous support of its members, began building a new home at its current location at 989 North Broadway in 1947. The first floor of this building consists of several commercial units which the association leases out to generate income. The second floor serves as a gathering place for members to engage in cultural activities such as meetings, mahjong, ping pong, kungfu, and lion dancing. Ornamented with paintings, scrolls, historical photographs, and archival records, the second floor main hall also bears a wall mural depicting the four blood brothers who founded the Lung Kong Tin Yee Association.

Origins of the Association

       In the novel, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, there is a story of four who became oath brothers in their patriotic goals: Liu Bei 劉 備, Guan Yu 關 羽, Zhang Fei 張 飛, and Zhao Yun 趙 雲. This is the origin of this generational friendship. In 1662, in the village of Longgang 龍崗區 (in Cantonese, Lung Kong) in Kaiping district 開平 (in Cantonese, Hoiping), a temple was founded by members of the Four Families. The Four Families joined together for self-protection in the Qing dynasty. In 1876, the early Chinese immigrants built a similar temple in San Francisco. The main purpose of this fraternal organization was to serve as “family” for Chinese immigrants of these four clans. They are guided by four virtues: loyalty, justice, kindness, and courage. At each official gathering, they chant their motto to remind all of their legacy. This motto is credited to Liu Bei 劉備 who was then on his sick bed. 

Lung Kong Tin Yee Association motto printed out in a frame on a wall next to two other framed papers and above an exit sign.
Lung Kong Tin Yee Association motto, attributed to Liu Bei 劉備 from his sick bed. (Photo courtesy of Susan Dickson and Susie Ling, translation courtesy of Suellen Cheng).

The motto reads:

勉之勉之 [Let’s encourage one another!] /
勿以惡小而為 [Do no evil even if it seems small.] /
勿以善小而不為 [Do not avoid doing a good deed even if it seems trivial.] /
惟德惟賢可以服人 [Only true virtue can convince people] /

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