Kong Chow Benevolent Association 洛杉磯岡州會館

       The Kong Chow Benevolent Association 洛杉磯岡州會館 was formed in the 19th century by migrants from the formerly rural Kong Chow region just upstream from the port cities of Macau and Hong Kong. In the United States, settlers from Kong Chow formed the bulk of the labor force that worked in gold and borax mining, drained the Central Valley swamps, and built roadways over the mountains to Los Angeles. Many became shopkeepers, teachers and professionals, settling and building families in Chinatowns and elsewhere.  

       The people from the Kong Chow region shared a place of origin, similar language and folkways, and a familial lineage which eased the formation of community. Established in 1889 in Los Angeles, the Kong Chow Benevolent Association represents many whose families migrated from the “five districts” or Wu Yi 五邑 of the region, which includes Xinhui 新會, Heshan 鹤山, Taishan 台山, Kaiping 開平, and Yanping 恩平 in Guangdong province. Families from these parts bore surnames of Lew, Quan, Wong, Louie, and Fong among others. But as the Chinese American population grew, Taishanese organized themselves independently as the Hoy Sun Ning Yung Association 台山寧陽會館. The Kaiping and Yanping immigrants also formed a separate Hopwo Association 合和會館. Kong Chow Association now primarily represents Chinese Americans with roots in Xinhui (also known as Sunwui) and Heshan (also Hokshan). 

       To this day, the Kong Chow Benevolent Association continues to uplift its community through organizing a multitude of charitable activities including educational scholarships. Yearly activities include Year-End Banquet, Spring Banquet, Ching Ming Festival, and picnics to bring together Association members for mutual support. The Los Angeles group also meets with other chapters of the association in other cities across the world at a triennial convention, strengthening the international influence of the Kong Chow Benevolent Association. 

The Kong Chow Temple:

       Around 1891, Chinese American immigrants built the Kong Chow Temple, a two-story, brick structure at 215 ½ Ferguson Alley, located between the Plaza and Alameda Street. With adjacent Chinatown businesses such as Dragon’s Den and SooChow Restaurant, the Temple was open to all community members. Here, individuals were provided with a range of services from medical to legal, social and economic aid and even counsel on such things as luck. 

Red and gold Guandi Shrine at Kong Chow Temple.
Guandi Shrine at Kong Chow Temple. Guan Di is the God of War and Brotherhood, and this statue of him was likely made between the 1920s and 1930s by the artist Yang Yaiyuan. (Courtesy of Chinese Historical Society of Southern California and photographed by Randel Urbauer)

       The temple provided spiritual assistance and a safe harbor to its members. Several artifacts and ritual materials from the temple illustrate the vibrancy of religious life in Old Chinatown. The primary Daoist deity in the temple is Guandi 關帝 or Guanyu 關羽, a figure from the classical period who was elevated to a god. This “Red Faced Warrior” represents righteousness, fraternity, and honesty. Other deities included Tian Hou 天后, the Empress of Heaven, and a semi-historical figure from the 10th century. In America, she is a popular deity and is venerated for saving sailors from storms.  Her other titles include Heavenly Holy Mother, and Mazu 媽祖 , or Mother Ancestor. Erlang Shen 二郎神 is the demon-chaser who embodies justice and righteousness; he has a third eye. Hua Tuo, the medicine god, is also present.     

       Kong Chow Temple played an important role in Tachiu 打醮 ceremonies. These festivals began in 1872 and continued until 1906, and were held to thank the gods, to purify the community, to give food to the needy, to provide incense and cleansing chants to wandering spirits, and to pacify all spirits of the deceased. The first Tachiu festival was held in Los Angeles the year after the 1871 Massacre. 

       The Temple survived the demolition of Old Chinatown and continued to serve the community into the late 1940s. Construction of the 101 Freeway displaced the structure, and the Temple moved to New Chinatown at 931 N. Broadway. Many of the deities from Old Chinatown were resettled to the new location in September of 1960. Today, it remains a formative site for sacred and secular community building and activities.

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